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Time to book an appointment.

Rodgers Reset uses unique understanding of human anatomy, biomechanics, soft tissue, mobilization, rehabilitation, and strength and conditioning. Allowing him to be the ultimate therapist traveling between the strength and rehabilitation worlds. Rodgers Reset doesn’t believe in prolonging sessions but being as potent as possible musculoskeletal manipulation not only in the session but in educating clients and athletes on their restrictions and dysfunctions through corrective exercise.

Book an appointment.

Sometimes the body can be stubborn and needs more neuromuscular direction and attention. Soft tissue injuries often occur when muscles become abnormally restricted and limited. These restrictions limit proper function of joint movement and muscle contraction. RodgersReset LLC uses thorough hands on approach in identifying muscular imbalances.


Visit Us

1200 NE 4th Ave
Fort Lauderdale 33304

Monday 8am – 8pm

Tuesday 8am - 8pm

Wednesday 8am - 8pm

Thursday 8am - 8pm

Friday 8am - 8pm

Saturday 10am - 4pm

Sunday 10am - 4pm

(608) 475-4464